Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ayurvedic medicine for Kidney stones


1). Divya Vrkka Dosa-Hara Kvatha 200 gm

Boil one Teaspoon (5 gm) of the mixture of medicine by adding 400 ml. of water till 100 ml. remains, strain it out, and take before breakfast & dinner

2) . Amrta Sattva 20 gm
Divya Hajarula Yahuda Bhasma 10 gm
Divya Punarnavadi Mandura 20 gm
Divya ashmarihar ras 50 gm
Mix all these medicines together, divide into 60 parts, take each an hour before breakfast & dinner with honey or warm water.

How to buy:
You can buy the above medicine from Baba Ramdev's Patanjali store.
For more info visit:

Friday, April 5, 2013

Kidney Function

Kidney Stones

Stones are a common problem affecting the urinary tract. They commonly occur in the kidney or the ureter (the tube that conducts urine from the kidneys to the bladder) but can occur at other sites such as the bladder or urethra (tube through which we pass urine from the bladder).

These stones are ‘real’ stones just like the stones one sees in nature! Patients with stones commonly present with pain, blood in the urine, burning sensation in urine or fever. Rarely there may be no symptoms and the stone is identified incidentally on imaging done for some other problem. Confirmation of diagnosis may require various combinations of ultrasonography, X-rays, IVU (intravenous urogram) or CT scan.

Small stones may be managed by medication alone. Larger stones or those causing swelling in the kidney or infection need to be treated, sometimes urgently. Removal of stones can be accomplished by ESWL (extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy), keyhole removal (PCNL), removal by ureteroscopy (URS) or rarely by laparoscopy. Small stones are well suited to ESWL which is non invasive although some patients may require the placement of a small tube in the kidney called a stent. Larger stones are best removed by PCNL or URS.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Drink 8 (minimum) Glasses of water Daily
Limit High Calcium foods like dairy products and
high-oxalate foods like colas, peanuts, chocolate. 

Don't overuse antacids.

Say NO to the following Food

 Black Grapes
 Cashwe nuts
 Chickoo/ Sapota
 Tomato Seeds


Say YES to Following Food

 Karela (Bitter Guard)

 Increase in fluid intake